
Mindray India's Corporate Social Responsibility

Mindray India's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy refers to our resolution as an organization beyond the business objectives, as a responsible and ethical participant in the global community. We recognize that as a company, our actions impact our employees, our customers and suppliers, the communities in which we live and work, and the environment.

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Mindray India's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy refers to our resolution as an organization beyond the business objectives, as a responsible and ethical participant in the global community. We recognize that as a company, our actions impact our employees, our customers and suppliers, the communities in which we live and work, and the environment.

Our Ideology

At Mindray, we have implemented and maintained a policy to be a responsible corporate cosmopolite. We live our values continuously via our actions, giving back our time and resources to society through philanthropy, volunteering, personal engagement, and pro-bono services.

To view, Mindray India’s CSR Policy click here.

To read our CSR annual action for 2023 - 2024 Click Here